Issue 20/Features/Polynesia Polynesia: Art and Divinity What is taboo? The current exhibition at the British Museum reveals all by looking at Art and Divinity in Polynesia, 1760-1860…
Issue 20/France/Travel France, The Grotte de Niaux Prof. Tim Darvill and Yvette Staelens of Bournemouth University send a missive from the Grotte de Niaux, a cave bursting with Palaeolithic…
Issue 20/Italy/Travel Ara Pacis, Italy Richard Hodges visits architect Richard Meier's new building that encloses the Ara Pacis, the monument to peace erected by Emperor Augustus…
Issue 19/Features/Pakistan Peshawar, Gor Khuttree We look down upon 8m of stratigraphy at the caravanserai of Gor Khuttree in North Pakistan…
Issue 19/Features/Sudan Dangeil, Sudan Excavations at the Late Kushite city of Dangeil in Sudan reveal a temple of Amun, and a massive bread-making facility…
Issue 19/Features/Iraq Raqqa, the Crucible of Islamic Technology A medieval site of massive industry: the once-booming and cosmopolitan city of Raqqa, on the banks of the Euphrates, Syria…
Issue 19/Features/Iceland Iceland, Archaeology of Fishing and Trading Sites The archaeology of post-medieval fishing and trading sites along the coasts of Iceland…