Issue 21/Features/USA London 1606 to Virginia 1607 The early history of the first English settlement in America - as revealed in a new exhibition at London's Museum in Docklands…
Issue 21/Albania/Travel Cape Styllo Richard Hodges sends his regular archaeological news, this time from Cape Styllo, a 'no-man's land' between Greece and Albania…
Issue 20/Features/Spain Spain, Early People At the sites of Orce and Cueva Victoria in Spain, the story of the early hominid colonisation of Europe is being rewritten…
Issue 20/Features/Italy Portus: Rome’s Other Port How Claudius, and then Trajan constructed an artificial harbour to supplement Ostia…
Issue 20/Features/Ghana Ghana: Roots to Forts What is the state of Ghana's archaeology and heritage? English Heritage's Chief Archaeological Adviser David Miles reports…
Issue 20/Features/Ghana Fredriksnopel, Denmark’s First Plantation in Ghana A sherd of superb pottery reveals evidence for Denmark's original colonial presence in Ghana…
Issue 20/Features/Polynesia Polynesia: Art and Divinity What is taboo? The current exhibition at the British Museum reveals all by looking at Art and Divinity in Polynesia, 1760-1860…