Issue 45/Australia/Travel Govett’s Leap I clearly remember the day in October 1957, when news swept through the Institute of Archaeology in London that Gordon Childe had…
Issue 45/Italy/Travel Postcard from the Asso Valley For years I have directed small armies of excavators through a project manager, so returning to the role of quartermaster (and co-director)…
Issue 44/Celebrating World Heritage/Features/Germany Germany: The Roman Frontier The sheer scale of Rome's German frontier is overwhelming. Running for almost 550km, and boasting at least 60 forts, 80 fortlets and…
Issue 44/Egypt/Features Egypt: Queen of the Desert Khentkawes is hardly a household name. The historical record passes over this elusive figure without comment, while the scraps that testify to…
Issue 44/Features/Turkey Turkey Ancient Paphlagonia For the Hittites of the Late Bronze Age it was a difficult, wild country where the restless Kashka people lived. For the…
Issue 44/Features/Sicily Sicily Byzantine banquets for the dead Sicily was best known during the Roman Republic as the breadbasket of Rome. Although she never reached such dizzy heights again (Africa…
Issue 44/Features/Italy Italy Chamber of Secrets In 1997 four cavers set out to explore the deepest galleries of the Grotta della Monaca. It was not an easy task.…