Egypt/Features/Issue 58 Egypt: First Pharaonic Portrait Stylised scenes of boats and animals etched into rocks on the banks of the River Nile include the oldest known depictions of…
Features/Issue 58/Mali Timbuktu under threat In the 15th and 16th centuries, Timbuktu was the epitome of Islamic spiritual and intellectual learning. Today, modern conflict threatens to destroy…
Issue 57/Features Early seafaring: Continuing Beyond the Blue Horizon Venturing across the Blue Horizon In the second part of a feature drawing on his book Beyond the Blue Horizon, Brian Fagan…
Issue 57/Features/Turkey Turkey: Secrets of the Chariot Makers Solving the mysteries at Van How were some of the first chariots made? Prof. Erkan Konyar of Istanbul University believes he has…
Issue 57/Features/Poland Crusader castles For God or for Mammon? The 13th-century Northern Crusades not only converted the local tribes from paganism to Christianity, they also converted…
Issue 57/Features/USA Straits of Florida: Black Rats & Spanish Pearls Shipwercked off the Florida Keys In 1622, the Tierra Firme fleet, laden with gold, silver, pearls, and rats, was sunk off the…
Issue 57/Features/Jordan Petra: Behind the monumental façades Strabo, in his opus Geography, writes dismissively that the Nabataeans ‘consider dead bodies as they do dung, just as Heraclitus says: “Corpses…