Features/Issue 76/Sweden A Fragrant Grave: Revealing the mummified remains of a 17th-century bishop In life, Bishop Peder Winstrup was a renowned theologian, chaplain to the king, and founding father of Lund University. In death, he has…
Colombia/Issue 74/Issues/Museum/South America/Travel/World Bogotá’s Gold Rush Modern Colombia boasts a treasure trove of ancient sites, including the mountain city of Ciudad Perdida (see CWA 53), the megalithic sculptures…
Issue 63/Spain/Travel Richard Hodges travels to the Basque Country Richard Hodges explores the history and archaeology of the Spanish Basque Country.…
Albania/Issue 63/Travel CWA travels to Apollonia & Byllis Nearly 20 years of digging in and writing about Albania's ancient sites has left a vivid impression on archaeologist and traveller Oliver…
Issue 63/Korea/Travel CWA travels to The Petroglyphs of Bangudae How often do you visit a rock-art site armed only with binoculars? You do at Bangudae, on South Korea's east coast, and…
Croatia/Issue 62/Travel CWA travels to Zagreb and Beyond Exploring Iron Age burial mounds on the Trail of Princes, Patrick Skinner sets out from the country's capital on a voyage of…
Mongolia/Travel CWA travels to Mongolia Anna Faherty goes in search of the wide open spaces and ancient markers of Mongolia’s remote hinterland.…