Ethiopia/Features/Issue 79/Issues Before Aksum: Excavating Ethiopia’s Earliest Civilisation In the 1st millennium AD, Ethiopia was home to the great civilisation of Aksum, one of the world’s first Christian kingdoms. But what…
Issue 78/Sicily/Travel Sicily: Touring Persephone’s island In the early morning, when the light is right, one can see Sicily from Gozo. Though Malta, Gozo, and Sicily share strong cultural…
Issue 78/Issues/Malta/Travel Gozo From Malta, we now travel to its sister-island Gozo, where Nadia Durrani encountered two new major restoration projects. In Maltese, Gozo is known…
Europe/Issue 78/Issues/Malta/Travel Richard Hodges travels to… Malta Queen Elizabeth, on a recent visit to Malta, offered the comment that the island appeared to be overbuilt. Indeed, it is.…
Asia/Features/Issue 78/Issues/Jordan Lawrence of Arabia’s War The Great Arab Revolt Project With the CWA-backed Great Arab Revolt Project at an end after ten years’ work on the deserts…
Asia/Features/Issue 78/Issues/Turkmenistan Conserving Merv Today the ancient cities of Merv lie in a sleepy Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999. It is protected by…
Ecuador/Issue 77/Issues/South America/Travel Quito Discovering the pinnacle of Ecuador Ecuador’s capital of Quito, high in the Andes mountains, is one of the world’s most breathtaking cities,…