Features/Issue 93/Russia Arzhan The golden burial of a Scythian king In 2001, more than 5,000 gold objects were discovered in an untouched Scythian burial in…
Features/Greece/Issue 93 Akrotiri: the rise and fall of a prehistoric harbour town When excavations at Akrotiri commenced in 1967, they revealed a prehistoric town with buildings still standing two or even three storeys high.…
Egypt/Issue 92/Issues/Travel Travel: The many lives of Luxor temple How did an Egyptian pharaoh rejuvenate after a demanding year? The annual Opet festival at Luxor was dedicated to renewing the semi-divine…
Denmark/Issue 92/Issues/Travel Richard Hodges travels to… Denmark’s Viking fortresses A Tuscan challenge Modern archaeology cannot turn a blind eye to its importance in contemporary society. There is a huge and growing…
Exhibition/Features Exhibition review: The Curious Case of Çatalhöyük Between 1993 and 2018, largescale excavations at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey as part of the Çatalhöyük Research Project have…
Features/Spain Tartesssos wins prize The excavations at Tartessos have won the Palarq award, the most valuable prize in Spanish archaeology. Andrew Selkirk, the Editor-in-chief of CWA,…
Features/Issue 92/Peru Pachacamac When the Spanish conquistador Hernando Pizarro arrived at Pachacamac, Peru, in January 1533, he had before him one of the jewels of…