Issue 94/Italy/Travel Richard Hodges: The Battle of Monte Cassino Driving past Monte Cassino many years ago with the late Mark Pluciennik, professor at Leicester University and one of the most cerebral…
Easter Island/Features/Issue 94/Rapanui Easter Island: where to build a monument A new study proposes links between the locations of Easter Island’s famous ahu and moai and freshwater sources. Robert J DiNapoli discusses…
Europe/Features/Issue 94/Italy Art meets archaeology A fresh perspective on Pompeii and Herculaneum In the wake of the highly successful Expanded Interiors exhibition at Pompeii and Herculaneum, Catrin…
Features/Issue 94 CWA Photo of the Year Competition 2019 – Winners Announced This year’s photo competition has seen an outstanding range of archaeological images from around the world flood into the CWA office. We’ve…
Africa/Egypt/Features/Issue 94/World The Valley of the Kings revisited It may be the royal tombs that spring to mind when we think of the Valley of the Kings, but you did…
Greece/Issue 93/Travel Travel: Richard Hodges’ Homage to Apalirou More than a decade ago I took a holiday on Naxos. This Cycladic island is a paradise for walkers and those who…
Indonesia/Issue 93/Java/Singapore/Travel Travel: Raffles and Java The 200th anniversary of Raffles’ arrival in Singapore has galvanised debate about the legacy of this controversial figure. His modern profile owes…