France/Issue 101/Travel Richard Hodges: Lascaux IV It is a country of enchantment which poets have staked out and which they alone may lay claim to. It is nearest…
Features/Issue 101 Expanding amino acid dating How should we date material that is millions of years old? Looking at the predictable rates of the breakdown of proteins from…
Features/Issue 101/Portugal Into the daylight: a new rock art discovery Portugal’s Côa Valley contains Europe’s greatest collection of open-air Ice Age images. Across 17km, there are currently more than 530 known panels…
Features/Issue 101/Peru Tambo Viejo Excavating remarkable Inca rituals After the Acari Valley was absorbed by the Inca Empire, Tambo Viejo was founded to oversee its inhabitants.…
Features/Issue 101/Spain A 5,000-year-old mystery: recording rock art within the Dolmen de Soto Investigating an isolated Neolithic tomb in Andalucía has revealed a new dimension to its rock art. What can this tell us about…
Issue 100/Travel/Turkey Richard Hodges: Zeugma’s last secret Zeugma – now a name to conjure with. Site of a bridge across the Euphrates, connecting the Mediterranean to Persia and, by…
Features/Issue 101 CWA Photo of the Year Competition 2020 – Winners Announced Once again, we were delighted by the quality and quantity of the fantastic archaeological images that were sent in to this year’s…