What is the scope of CWA?
Our scope is the whole world, which we cover from the first emergence of man down to the present day. We cover all periods and all areas. In particular we look at the origins of our own civilisation, at Egypt, the Ancient Near East and the Holy Land, and Greece and Rome.
How can I get a copy?
Current World Archaeology is available mainly by subscription. It is published 6 times a year in the even months, and it is possible to subscribe to it by itself, or as a joint subscription with our sister publication Current Archaeology. For the latest prices, please see our subscription pages.
Is it available on book stalls?
Current World Archaeology is now available in most WH Smiths across the UK, and also some local newsagents. In the USA it is available from most Barnes and Noble stores.
Current World Archaeology is also available on subscription, directly from us.
Where does the information come from?
We have excellent contacts with many organisations. We are fortunate in Britain in that we have a series of British Schools of archaeology abroad, all under the aegis of the British Academy, many of whom have offered to act as our eyes and ears.
We have been gladdened by the support we have been given by many of the staff at the British Museum with whom we look forward to a close collaboration.
In addition many British Universities teach world archaeology and we enjoy collaborating with them.
How does the magazine cover the past?
As with Current Archaeology, the magazine is essentially a ‘news’ magazine. We look for new discoveries whenever they occur, and in particular we report on the latest excavations. We aim to report the latest discoveries as far as possible without bias – but with enthusiasm.
Can I contribute to the magazine?
Yes please! As always the magazine is a collaboration between the writer of the article and the source. It is necessary to go back to the excavator on the site and to seek their approval before any article is published. But if you have seen any site that you think we should include, please email us as soon as possible with details of the site and whether you have made contact with the excavators. If we like the idea, we may ask you to take the article further. We have always been proud of our widespread collaboration in CA and we hope to take this further in CWA.
Do you have any connection with the journal World Archaeology?
No, not formally, we are just good friends! If you are looking for World Archaeology (which is a heavyweight academic journal) click here.
Who subscribes to the magazine?
We have 6,000 subscribers to CWA in the UK, and 15,000 in the US, as well as 16,000 subscribers to Current Archaeology. We have had subscriptions from all around the world, and from all different age groups. We also have thousands of readers who buy copies in news stands all over the world.
What is the format?
The format is Super A4, that is 300mm by 230mm.
Andrew Selkirk
Editor-in-Chief, Current World Archaeology