The Spanish invaders of Mexico called them cenotes. This came from a mishearing of the Maya word tz’onot, which was used to…
Simon Martin on cracking the all-important Maya code…
Cuds of masticated seaweed, dating from 14,220 and 13,980 have been found in hearths at Monte Verde settlement in southern Chile…
The Maya civilization of Mesoamerica encompassed the entirety of what are now the countries of Guatemala and Belize and large parts of…
Classic Maya ceramics are among the most intriguing and valuable sources to reconstruct Ancient Maya society and life. No books have survived…
A study from science magazine has revealed that previously unknown Aztec symbols infact units of land holdings in pre-columbian Mexico…
The formula used to create 'Mayan blue' used in ritual practice has finally been revealed…
4000 year old jewllery found at Jiskairumoko, near lake Titicaca…
Scientists have discovered the secret ingredient used in Mayan paint to make temples glitter in the sun…
Archaeologists from the University of Yucatan have found evidence for child sacridice being used to appease the gods…
A 1st millenium AD iron mine has been discovered in the Ingenio Valley, southern Peru…
Brian Fagan's latest column reporting on all things archaeological…