The Thracians made a keen impression on both their neighbours and the archaeological record, but how much do we really know about…
Wall frescos reveal the social life of Pompeii…
A look at the interiors of Pompeian houses…
A 5th or 6th century synagogue has been discovered in the costal city of Saranda, Albania…
Two day conference focussing on the archaeology of the Levant…
Fascinating finds at west Siberian mammoth burial site…
A number of artefacts formerly held in Canada, including the body of Ramases I have been returned to Cairo…
Rick Jones, of Bradford and the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii, shares his urgent views on the conservation and future of the town…
Interpreting Pompeii Many of the older studies of Pompeii seem rather dry today. Architecture, mosaics and frescoes were classified into types. Houses…
Paul Zanker’s Pompeii: public and private life (Harvard, £15.95) is another book in the same vein. The German author is an archaeology…
What is the best book to read for a basic introduction to Pompeii? Paul Wilkinson has just produced Pompeii: the last day…
The crisis in Vesuvian archaeology runs deep. Pompeii is fast degrading, with walls crumbling, frescoes erased by the sun, plaster dropping off…
Pompeii has featured in fiction many times. The first-century Roman novelist Petronius set his Satyricon in the Bay of Naples, and one…