The Thracians made a keen impression on both their neighbours and the archaeological record, but how much do we really know about…
Is the mystery of the location of Etruscan league's sacred shrine solved?…
Roger Matthews recounts some highlights of his Turkish travels…
Richard Hodges charts the latest finds from Albania's magical site…
Hominid skeletons found at Dmanisi cast more light on homonid evolution…
212 Ancient Egyptian ostraka including over 100 tax recipts have been found in the store rooms in Kingston Lacey, Dorset…
New evidence from Finland shows our ancestors were chewing gum 5000 years ago…
Kaupang in Skiringssal (Kaupang Excavation Project Publication Series, Volume 1 – Norske Oldfunn XXII) edited by Dagfinn Skre Aarhus University Press, £39.95…
Pompeii is one of the World’s great archaeology attractions. And more of it is being uncovered every day. Here is our brief…
Exquisite prehistoric figurines found…
Death of an iceman…
The Archimedes Codex: Revealing the Secrets of the World’s Greatest Palimpsest Reviel Netz and William Noel Weidenfeld and Nicholson, £18.99 Archimedes of…
Domenico Camardo, lead archaeological consultant of the Herculaneum Conservation Project tells CWA about his work at the world famous site…