The Thracians made a keen impression on both their neighbours and the archaeological record, but how much do we really know about…
For God or for Mammon? The 13th-century Northern Crusades not only converted the local tribes from paganism to Christianity, they also converted…
Forty minutes north of Budapest, on a bend in the Danube, occupying a strategic point on its western side, lies Visegrád. In…
Exploring a Gallo-Roman grand design The idyllic setting and picturesque ruins of the Gallo-Roman villa at Montmaurin certainly would have appealed to…
How the mighty have fallen High on a mountain top in a remote part of south-eastern Turkey, the gods congregate at a…
Archaeologists have uncovered more than 300 clay figurines depicting male and female forms, as well as human-bird hybrids, at Koutroulou Magoula, a…
A 16- to 20-year-old Roman from the 3rd century AD represents the first complete skeleton of a person with gigantism known from…
Cheese-making developed in Northern Europe over 7,000 years ago, possibly because our ancestors were lactose intolerant. Pieces of sieve-like pottery, excavated in…
A team of French and Italian archaeologists have announced the discovery of the lost harbour of Ostia, once ancient Rome’s primary seaport.…
The identification of four 7,000-year-old wells as the world’s oldest-known timber structures suggests that Neolithic communities were capable of much more sophisticated…
A 6,500-year-old tooth packed with beeswax represents the earliest dental filling, newly published research says. Found in part of a human jaw…
Recycling is no modern concept: our ancestors were putting old tools to new uses 13,000 years ago, archaeologists in Spain have discovered.…
Austrian archaeologists are reconsidering prehistoric gender roles after the discovery of what could be the earliest female metalworker. The burial of a…