How did Egypt build the pyramids? It is a question that has excited the imagination of scholars and visitors for millennia. Now…
Egypt – How a lost civilisation was rediscovered. Joyce Tyldesley BBC Books, £17.99 In 1400 BC, the three pyramids at Giza, were…
A number of amphorae discovered alongside Tutankhamun have been revealed to contain red wine…
G.J. Tassie of the Cultural Heritage Organisation, looks at some of the recent undertakings in Egypt…
The latest discoveries at KV5, the largest ancient Egyptian tomb ever discovered in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor…
One cannot leave the story of KV5 without looking at some of the literature it has produced. First and foremost is Kent…
Every time an archaeologist looks at non-élite everyday data, this is heralded as something special, unusual, praise-worthy, and in the case of…
An Egyptian-led team of archaeologists have discovered a brilliantly-coloured mummy at the Saqqara Pyramids complex near Cairo, Egypt. The mummy is thought…
The mighty statue of Ramases II is set to be moved from down-town Cairo to a new museum planned for the Giza…
Two quarries in Egypt's eastern desert supplied much of the best building material for Imperial Rome…
Two quarries in Egypt's Eastern Desert supplied much of the best building stone for imperial Rome…
The publication of eight books simultaneously is a major event and eight books have recently been published by University College London (UCL)…
Tales from Ancient Egypt Joyce Tyldesley, Rutherford Press, £8.50 In the beginning nothing existed but the terrible, swirling waters of chaos. There…