It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
Brian Fagan's ear to the ground…
Nadia Durrani takes a look at the Terracotta Army, on display at the British Museum…
The changing fortunes of St Giles and Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert…
Richard Hodges charts the latest finds from Albania's magical site…
Hominid skeletons found at Dmanisi cast more light on homonid evolution…
Archaeologists working in South Korea have found the first example of mummy infected with hepatitis B. Scientists hope it will help combat…
New evidence from Finland shows our ancestors were chewing gum 5000 years ago…
212 Ancient Egyptian ostraka including over 100 tax recipts have been found in the store rooms in Kingston Lacey, Dorset…
Fish on Friday Brian Fagan, Basic Books, £15.99 Chosen by Timothy Darvill, Professor of Archaeology at Bournemouth University. Sometimes archaeological research can both challenge and…
The Roman Cult of Mithras, the God and his mysteries Manfred Clauss, Edinburgh, £20.99 Chosen by Dr Eberhard Sauer of the University…
Books on Fire: The Tumultuous Story of the World’s Great Libraries, Lucien X. Polastron, Thames & Hudson, £18.95 Chosen by Andrew Robinson,…
Shadow of the Silk Road Colin Thubron Chatto and Windus, £8.99 Chosen by Roger Matthews, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Institute…