In the 1st century BC, a Roman force advanced into Switzerland from Italy. We cannot yet be sure whether these soldiers were…
David Gilman Romano reports on Zeus' cultic site, with its mountain-top ash alter, famed throughout Ancient Greek…
Until recently, the Middle Mekong Basin has been terra incognita, archaeologically speaking. Now, a team is revealing its past.…
Richard Hodges The Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum
of Archaeology and Anthropology, considers the Museum's future…
Introducing Penn Museum, then and now…
Simon Martin on cracking the all-important Maya code…
How did the city of Sweyhat thrive in the Mesopotamian outback?…
The Buddhas of Bamiyan have revealed oil paints being used to decorate associated caves in the mid 7th century AD…
Though huge distances separate the islands of Fiji from the nearest continents, the Lapita people made the 3,000km journey around 1100BC…
Archaeologists make a surprise find on the bed of the River Rhône…