In the 1st century BC, a Roman force advanced into Switzerland from Italy. We cannot yet be sure whether these soldiers were…
UNESCO inscribes 29 new World Heritage Sites: Meeting in Quebec in July 2008, the World Heritage Committee added 29 new sites to…
The discovery of large grain silos alters our understanding of life in Ancient Egypt…
Headlice and rats: Not a nice subject for discussion in polite company, but the unavoidable truth is that lice have been with…
Archaeologists working in Yemen have discovered evidence for agriculture dating back to the 3rd millenium BC…
News extra from Brian Fagan…
Nadia Durrani reports on the site of the newly-opened Surgeon's House in Rimini, north-east Italy…
Publications with numerous glossy photographs showing the wonders and beauty of the world in which we live are, these days, ten a…
The Temple Architecture of India Adam Hardy Wiley, £45.00 Unlike Mughal art and architecture, Hindu sculpture and architecture were poorly received by…
Snapshot of the Dead Sea Scrolls and their relevance to world history.…
Who was Hadrian? The British Museum's latest block-buster considers the life of the enigmatic emperor…