In the 1st century BC, a Roman force advanced into Switzerland from Italy. We cannot yet be sure whether these soldiers were…
Richard Hodges writes from Gettysburg, USA…
Instead of plastic toys that will be broken before Christmas dinner, how about one of the British Museum pocket series as stocking-fillers…
According to the archaeologist Manolis Andronikos, the Royal Tombs of Vergina, in northern Greece, belong to King Phillip II (388-336 BC) and…
John Preston’s The Dig, a story about the excavation of the Anglo-Saxon site of Sutton Hoo, has now been published in paperback. It…
Chosen by Charles Higham, a Research Professor in the University of Otago, New Zealand, and an Honorary Fellow of St Catharine’s College,…
First-time author Alice Albinia has pluck. Post-2001, near the Pakistani border with Afghanistan, she walks for days on end veiled in a…
Remembering Awatovi describes life in a field camp in Hopi country between 1935 and 1939, during a Harvard University expedition to northern…
This is a dramatic, broad-brush treatment of ten millennia of European prehistory, written on the principle that ‘geography is about chaps, history…
Why did the western half of the Roman Empire fall? Did it fall at all – or was it peacefully transformed into…
He reportedly received death threats in the 1970s for promoting pre-Islamic history in the Kingdom. During a helicopter trip to the site…
With the decline of grammar schools in Britain, Classics seemed to be heading for a fall. Recently however, both in the UK…