It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
The animal necrpolois…
35,000 year old venus statue found at Swabian Jura, the earliest example of its kind by some 5,000 years…
Digital mapping techniques used to fully document Rome's 105 miles of subterranean tunnels…
A comprhensive study of African DNA has revealed the San people could be among the oldest populations on earth…
Study of Native American DNA adds to debate over colonization of the Americas by humans…
Temple Sheds Light on 'Dark Ages'…
Sophisticated stone tools challenge previous assumptions about Australian tool-making…
The story of unusual shaped structures thought to have been built by the Israelites upon entering the Land of Canaan.…
News extra from Brian Fagan…