It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
2,000 year old equestrian staute discovered at Waldgrimes, central Germany…
CWA catches up with excavations at the temple site of Tell Tayinat which is throwing light on the 'Dark Age' in the…
archaeologists conducting excavations at the site in Xian are hoping to ascertain the success of conservation measures…
Grave of 5th century AD warrior discovered with surviving armour…
Project aims to study development of mud-brick enclosures dating to the Early Islamic Period…
An Anglo-Saxon hoard containg over 1,346 gold and silver items has been discovered by a metal detectorist in Staffordshire, England…
In Brian Fagan's latest instalment he fights to the death with the Maya, goes underground with the Fed, and excavates Cecil B…
To say Kate Whiteford, the Scottish artist, is fascinated by archaeology is an understatement. Land drawings/ installations/excavations, her newly published, and sumptuously…
Just west of the entrance to the underworld, lies the site of Baia. Mike Cless takes us there, tells of a divine…
Richard Hodges writes from Philadelphia, USA…
This is a novel set in the reign of Tutankhamun, but also about Howard Carter’s work in Egypt, his partnership with Lord…
Visitors to the Wellcome Collection in London’s Euston Road cannot fail to be intrigued by the man behind it, the American-born pharmaceutical…