In the 1st century BC, a Roman force advanced into Switzerland from Italy. We cannot yet be sure whether these soldiers were…
Every time I arrive at the British School at Rome, it is somehow different. Old buildings and strong institutions can be like…
In 1911 a major international exhibition was held in Rome, and the British put up a particularly splendid pavilion designed by Edwin…
Rome is a city of books. Perhaps the greatest concentration of leading libraries in the world exists here, though refurbishments and closures…
We know more about Pompeii than any other Roman town. It is the benchmark, and yet we still have so much to…
As the capital of two great empires, Istanbul (and in its previous incarnation as Constantinople) contains a great wealth of culturally important…
Sagalassos lies about 100km north of Perge, some 1,450-1,750m above sea level. It was occupied by at least the 5th century BC,…