In the 1st century BC, a Roman force advanced into Switzerland from Italy. We cannot yet be sure whether these soldiers were…
The present uprising in Libya has focused the world’s attention on the region. But this part of North Africa has a troubled…
Recent excavations have shown Medieval ruins in the Russian republic of Tuva were monastic and reminiscent of China’s ‘Forbidden City’. Por-Bajin –…
Bamboo was probably used as an alternative to stone in South East Asia, scientists believe. The lack of a diverse and sophisticated…
When first discovered in 2001 by the archaeologist William Saturno of Boston University, the mural-covered room at San Bartolo, a remote and…
The first settlements on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Hawai’i, and New Zealand have been dated to the period between AD 1190 and…
First ‘unequivocal proof for pre-Clovis occupation of America’ has been found by researchers at Texas A&M University. Flint knife blades, chisels, and…
Lewis Binford, champion of the New Archaeology movement, died on 11 April 2011, at the age of 80 years. The obituary, published…
The lure of chocolate Hi-tech archaeology triumphs again! Now it shows we are not the first societies to be ardent chocoholics. As…
From the imposing stelae at Axum to the churches at Lalibela carved out of solid rock, Ethiopia has an incredibly rich heritage.…
Thirty years ago my career took a memorable new turn. I had been trained in settlement archaeology and the theory and practice…
Herculaneum’s destruction is a familiar story. On the 24 August AD 79 Vesuvius erupted, sending superheated mud cascading though the town, killing…
The most avidly acquired antiquities of the New World during the last 50 years have been Maya relics from Mexico and Central…