It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
Egyptian birds were expected to live on in the afterlife, just like their human counterparts, according to new research published in the…
The discovery of 7,500-year-old fish traps in a Russian river valley has given new insight into prehistoric European settlement patterns. The Mesolithic…
Archaeologists have discovered the only Crusader-period Christian inscription to be written in Arabic. The marble engraving, once part of the city wall…
A 33,000-year-old canine skull is challenging accepted theories on dog domestication. Rather than being descended from a single ancestry, it appears dogs…
Following his articles on the tomb of Philip II and the ceremonial centre at Vergina, Andrew Selkirk now investigates Pella, the commercial…
While surveying the inhospitable Red Sea coastal plain of Yemen, archaeologist Ed Keall took a wrong turn on his way back to…
Working at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, André Veldmeijer and Salima Ikram came across an old photograph illustrating a forgotten collection of…
The early history of Ionian city-states remains an enigma of Anatolian archaeology, but here at Clazomenae archaeologists are uncovering evidence for the…
In 1855, the young French archaeologist Léon Heuzey found the remains of a magnificent palace, concealed under a ruined chapel. The village…
Imperial Rome’s mighty maritime gate at Portus was revealed in CWA 42. Now, Simon Keay reports on an exciting new discovery that…