It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
Martin Rundkvist, University of Chester, The term ‘World Archaeology’ is a way to hide a dirty secret of our discipline in plain…
Prof Roger Matthews, Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Reading The study of the ancient Near East is inextricably linked with political developments…
Simon Kaner, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures One of the biggest stories of the past decade continues…
Vincent L Michael, Executive Director, Global Heritage Fund Technology is a standard measure of progress but, to me, the most dramatic change in…
Ancient World Tours While, within the last ten years, many important historical sites have become off-limits in countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria,…
Nadia Durrani, former editor of CWA During my time as editor of CWA, I visited some of the world’s most exciting sites.…
Prof David J Breeze, Chairman of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies In September 2002, exactly a year before the launch…
Sean Kingsley, Director, Wreck Watch, London The most important marine discovery of the last decade turned up on terra firma: the silted…
John Sandy, GHF Regional Director for Asia Most of the 12th-century Khmer monuments in Angkor are partial ruins, hidden under dense jungle.…
Prof Rosalie David, University of Manchester & former Director of the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology Biomedical Egyptology, a multidisciplinary study based on analytical…
Maev Kennedy, archaeology correspondent, the Guardian newspaper Of all the wonderful things I’ve seen recently on sites or in museums, from the Silchester…
Joyce Tyldesley, Manchester University Egyptology is a relatively new and fast-moving science: it is not yet 200 years since Champollion decoded the hieroglyphic script…