It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
One cannot leave the story of KV5 without looking at some of the literature it has produced. First and foremost is Kent…
Excavations in north-west palace at Nimrud reveal burial of Queen Yaba, the Queen of Tiglath-pileser III, and her successors…
The remains of some 700 ancient mine-shafts and 200 ore-processing facilities have been discovered at Laurion in south-east Africa…
Richard Hodges interviews Muzafer Korkuti, Director of Albania's Institute of Archaeology…
A picturesque look at Japan's prehistoric Jomon Culture, encompassing their exquisite pottery, economy and burial beliefs…
Ancient occupiers of the site of Pompeii may have met the same fate as their Predecessors of AD 79…
Analysis of skeletons reveals unusual death…
Archaeologists have unearthed an extensive archaeological complex at the site of Old Nisa…
Shopping centre construction reveals Celtic grave…
3D digital image created of 11th century gatehouse…
Questions raised as to the authenticity of the Bronze Age disc…
An Egyptian-led team of archaeologists have discovered a brilliantly-coloured mummy at the Saqqara Pyramids complex near Cairo, Egypt. The mummy is thought…