It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
The excavations at the Turkish site of Bogazkoy, capital city of the Hittites…
A set of ancient silverware is discovered at Pompeii…
Stone phallus discovered during excavations at Hohle Fels Cave, Swabian Jura, Germany…
A collection of lost or unknown Egyptian artefacts found in the Beijing museum…
Evidence for the earliest footwear known to man…
Mexican footprints may hold the key to discovering the origins of human populations in the Americas…
Remains of a young woman found in a bog in 2000 have been identified as dating from the Iron Age…
Two boys discover artefacts dating between AD 900-1100 Tromsø, Norway…
John Crookshank on Roman Spain, with a focus on Mérida…
In 1703, Robert Drury, aged 16, was shipwrecked on the south coast of Madagascar. For the next 13 years he was a…
Professor of Archaeology at the Australian National University, Peter Bellwood, has written a book that is both important and stimulating. He brings…