It is easy to see the Thracians as stereotypes. According to the ancient literature, they were riders, warriors, and capable of horrifying…
Mark Horton writes from Iran where he explored the site of Siraf…
Richard Hodges sends news from Lake Prespa…
In his best selling book The Da Vinci Code, the author Dan Brown says that there are just two facts in the…
Let us learn a few hieroglyphs. Let us start with a straight line. This obviously means ‘land’ because in Egypt all the…
An exhibition at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem features over a hundred examples of ancient glass from across the Classical World…
CWA look into the origins of the unique and beautiful yellow-green glass that has been produced in the Egyptian Sahara for thousands…
CWA takes a look at the renovation project underway at Oxford's Ashmolean Museum…
Ole Grøn and Jørgen Skaarup report on their excavations at a 5000 BC underwater site, Denmark…
CWA reports on the mid 16th century, labyrinthine fort at Rohtas in Pakistan…
A report on a Roman fort, probably built to contain a band of federate troops, excavated at Dichin in Bulgaria…
Peter Sommer tells us of his 2000 mile trek following the route of Alexander the Great and his army…
Evidence of death and destruction at the uncompleted Crusaders' fort in Jordan, Jacob's Ford…