200 miles inland from the coast of Libya, Roman influence elevated the Garamantes into living a surprisingly civilised existence…
The mighty statue of Ramases II is set to be moved from down-town Cairo to a new museum planned for the Giza…
At Ban Non Wat, Charles Higham is discovering an unknown Bronze Age civilisation, with some remarkable 'superburials'…
Palaeoanthropologists have uncovered hominid evidence in Georgia that pushes back the date our forebears left Africa…
30,000 year old flutes discovered in Swabian Jura…
Worlds last breed of truly wild horse reintroduced to Mongolian Slopes…
The preservation of Argentine fossilised footprints…
Israeli authorities charge four antique dealers with creating fraudulent Biblical artefacts…
Wine dating from 7,000 BC discovered in China…
Debate surrounding Homo Floresiensis…
Australian archaeologists excavate one of South-East Asia's oldest canoes…
Richard Hodges travels to the 'armpit of Tuscany' to give us his inimitable perspective on its archaeology…