CWA 20 was published in December 2006 and contained articles on the Roman Port of Ostia, palaeontological finds at the Spanish…
How Claudius, and then Trajan constructed an artificial harbour to supplement Ostia…
What is the state of Ghana's archaeology and heritage? English Heritage's Chief Archaeological Adviser David Miles reports…
A sherd of superb pottery reveals evidence for Denmark's original colonial presence in Ghana…
What is taboo? The current exhibition at the British Museum reveals all by looking at Art and Divinity in Polynesia, 1760-1860…
At the sites of Orce and Cueva Victoria in Spain, the story of the early hominid colonisation of Europe is being rewritten…
Well-preserved 'noble fighter' discovered…
Pharaoh's suffering statue now re-erected at Giza…
Re-examination of artefacts from sites in central France reveal that Neanderthals were more like modern humans than previously thought…
Prof. Tim Darvill and Yvette Staelens of Bournemouth University send a missive from the Grotte de Niaux, a cave bursting with Palaeolithic…
Richard Hodges visits architect Richard Meier's new building that encloses the Ara Pacis, the monument to peace erected by Emperor Augustus…
If your Christmas fare needs to be digestible, stimulating, with a touch of religion, this is the book for you – even…