We have had a brilliant selection of entries for this year’s photo competition, with images that have taken us on a journey…
Investigating an isolated Neolithic tomb in Andalucía has revealed a new dimension to its rock art. What can this tell us about…
Once again, we were delighted by the quality and quantity of the fantastic archaeological images that were sent in to this year’s…
As CWA reaches a milestone, we sifted through our back issues in search of the most exciting discoveries about our shared past.…
Fragments of ivory found in a German cave on the eve of war have been reconstructed to create a magnificent ‘Lion Man’.…
Conserving one of the world’s greatest manuscript collections The Dead Sea Scrolls are widely considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in…
What is it? This statuette, dating from around 21,000 BC, has the familiar form of a Palaeolithic ‘Venus’ figurine. Carved out of…
The archaeological legacy of the Trojan war is immense. Key scenes from the conflict and its aftermath play out across ancient sarcophagi,…
Discovering Peruvian pyramid tombs Recent excavations at Huaca El Pueblo, a mud-brick pyramid erected by the Moche, have revealed three remarkable burials…
On the plain of Pasargadae, Cyrus the Great founded a spectacular garden palace. Nothing like it had ever been seen in the…
Creating images in a changing world Today, it seems hard to imagine that the Sahara was once populated by people with large…
Life and death in a 5th-century ringfort It is not unusual for archaeologists to find caches of artefacts stashed in the ground,…
The deeds of royal dynasties presiding over Maya city-states in northern Guatemala can still be followed on ornate inscriptions raised in their…