The Thracians made a keen impression on both their neighbours and the archaeological record, but how much do we really know about…
The remains of some 700 ancient mine-shafts and 200 ore-processing facilities have been discovered at Laurion in south-east Africa…
Excavations in north-west palace at Nimrud reveal burial of Queen Yaba, the Queen of Tiglath-pileser III, and her successors…
Richard Hodges interviews Muzafer Korkuti, Director of Albania's Institute of Archaeology…
A picturesque look at Japan's prehistoric Jomon Culture, encompassing their exquisite pottery, economy and burial beliefs…
The revelation of three First World War victims at Serre, resting place of Wilson Owen…
Excavations are underway at the soldiers tomb in Petra, Jordna. Here there is both a tomb and a ritual dining room…
Deep in the heart of Transylvania, at the long dead colonia of Apulum, the archaeologists have been uncovering a shrine to the…
Beatrice has recently celebrated her 90th birthday, and here she recalls her far flung life in the field in Pakistan, Iran and…
Palaeoanthropologists have uncovered hominid evidence in Georgia that pushes back the date our forebears left Africa…
At Ban Non Wat, Charles Higham is discovering an unknown Bronze Age civilisation, with some remarkable 'superburials'…
200 miles inland from the coast of Libya, Roman influence elevated the Garamantes into living a surprisingly civilised existence…
The mighty statue of Ramases II is set to be moved from down-town Cairo to a new museum planned for the Giza…