We have had a brilliant selection of entries for this year’s photo competition, with images that have taken us on a journey…
Inside report on the newly - uncovered Bronze Age elite burials of Ban Non Wat…
CWA investigates the unplundered tombs of the Moche culture 'Lords of Sipan', who were buried with dazzling splendour in the early centuries…
The world's largest archaeological site - the former frontiers of the Roman Empire - are to be given World Heritage Site status…
The final frontier for archaeological exploration? Daavid Miles examines the effects of human forays into outer space - and looks at the…
Current World Archaeology‘s dig – the Great Arab Revolt Project – is now in its third season. A team of specialists and…
Two hearths, three postholes, and a fragment from a nautical instrument: could this be the shelter of Alexander Selkirk, the original Robinson…
Odyssey Marine Exploration believes it has found the long lost shipwreck of HMS Victory, sunk in a ferocious storm in 1744…
David Kennedy powers up in a microlight plane to take us for a scenic trip over one particularly stunning Classical site sitting…
The 16th president of the USA is much written about; now, excavations in Salem, Illinois, are revealing new secrets about his early…
An extended feature on Messene, the best preserved city in the southern Peloponnese…
In 1694, HMS Sussex was lost in the Straits of Gibraltar, buried deep beneath the sea…
The city of Zabid was a cultural and political centre of Medieval Yemen. The archaeologists can finally reveal the story of this…